Phone: +421 908 142 028, +421 948 692 119
You can find us on Račianska Street no. 9, 831 02 Bratislava on:
- Mon - Fri 9:00-12:00 and 12:45-17:00
- Sat 9:00-12:00 (after previous appointment)
Or feel free to make an appointment for any other suitable time.
* Our website is under construction. Some data may not be accurate. We appologise for temporary flaws.

You can also contact us through this form.
If you did not find the right product for you, please let us know, we have some collections only in our shop.
Invoicing information:
QUAINT s.r.o.
Kadnárova 43
831 51
Slovak republic
Business ID No.: 46 772 014
VAT ID: SK 2023594441
Registered in the Business Register of the District Court Bratislava I,
Section: Sro, Insert No.:83013/B